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What we do

Political Structures Mentorship

We’ve knocked on more than our fair share of doors to know how real change is made. We have over 25 combined years of experience with Washington State's political systems of issues-based, candidate, and union politics. It's our passion to mentor and train the Northwest's newest political leaders as they take on their roles as union political directors and organizers. 


Organizing & Capacity-Building

We’re organizers at heart. We see every project as an opportunity to engage in organizing and skill up working people in their fights for better working conditions and disciplined organizing. We work to organize, activate, and train people as they build their powerful coalitions for change.


Research & Data Analysis

Research is necessary to make informed decisions about the future of your campaign or organization. When our movements for justice are on the line, there's little room for error. We dig into the numbers, trends, demographics, and data to give you a clearer picture of the truth. 


Storytelling & Communications

Meetings with a legislator might only last for 10 minutes and a conversation at a voter’s door could be five. But honest stories stay with people for a lifetime. We help you develop narrative, tell your authentic story, and communicate it to those who matter in traditional, earned, paid, and social media.

Consulting for the grassroots.

© 2021 Indelible Media

King County, Washington

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